Constructing A Down-Feed Heating Stove

A stove is an important part of many traditionally focused buildings. While the stove itself might be based off an older design, it still requires modern construction techniques to be finalised for a building project.

When constructing a down-feed heating stove, always make sure that the fuel magazine is not too tall. Six inches is a recommended height, this is enough to support the sticks. If the downdraft fuel magazine is too high, it becomes a chimney and can backdraft making the air go the wrong way. Having a tall fuel magazine also makes the wood hard to light.

Be sure to check that the gap between the gallon drums are equal. It’s good practice to bolt the two drums together to ensure that they stay in the correct position. The heat exchanger, the 55- gallon drum, can be bedded in sand, sealing the bottom of the drum so no smoke escapes.