Why You Should Own A Cordless Drill

Most builders know that a drill is a staple piece of equipment. Used on construction sites the world over, a drill makes many jobs a great deal easier than if they were tackled without one. But they can be easier still, using a cordless drill over a wired or manual one.

Cordless drills can be used freely, at any angle, and they are powered internally. These features combined make this a highly adaptable and convenient tool.

It goes without saying that being electric powered makes the drill a breeze to use. Not having to manually use a screwdriver or hand drill saves your arm from a lot of strain that it would have to go through otherwise.

Many electric drills also make use of a hammer function. This allows the drill to rapidly thrust, which can pulverise brittle materials and provide quicker drilling with less effort. A useful feature to have when working with brick walls.